What Is Recycled Concrete?

Recycled concrete, also known as crushed concrete, is discarded solid waste from construction sites. These constructions sites include new builds, remodeling, demolition, land clearing and road building projects. By using Fontaine Construction and our recycled concrete services, we take concrete, gravel, stone or just fill dirt, and turn it into something useful for another project.

Contact us to have Fontaine Construction or Fontaine Recycling help you with your next project!

Why Recycle?

More than 3,000,000 tons of construction and demolition waste are generated in South Carolina every year. By using Fontaine Recycling and our recycled concrete services, you’re helping to reduce the amount of waste in our landfills. Depending on your project, you could also qualify to earn LEED certification credits and become a more sought after company for future projects.

What Do We Recycle?

We recycle everything that is cleared from your job site including concrete, crushed concrete and fill dirt. We accept almost every kind of top soil or concrete products. Depending on your discarded waste, there is a slightly higher rate for waste that is not considered “clean”.

How Does It Work?

When you hire Fontaine Recycling as your land and site contracting company, we will do all of the typical grading necessary to clear your property. But rather than taking your construction and demolition waste to the landfill, we take it to our recycling facility and have it turned into something useful for another project.